Thursday, June 26, 2008

You have enemies? Good.
That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
~Winston Churchill

If we discover a desire within ourselves that nothing in this world can satisfy;
we should begin to wonder if, perhaps, we were created for another world.
~C.S. Lewis

I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.
~Billy Graham

Love is a friendship caught on fire.
~Northern Exposure

I've spent so much time thinking about all the answers to the problem,
that I forget what the problem *actually* was.
~Claire Colburn[Elizabethtown]

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
are the ones who do.
~Jack Kerouac

Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius. &&
its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring <3
~Marilyn Monroe

Content makes poor men rich;
discontent makes rich men poor.
-Ben Franklin

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou

the opposite of love is not hatred but indifference.
-Elie Wiesel

If fifty million poeple say a foolish thing,
it is still a foolish thing. -Anatole France

Love for the joy of loving and not for the offerings of someone else's Heart.
-Marlene Dietrich

To the dull mind all of nature is leaden.
To the Illuminated mind the whole world sparkles with light.
-ralph Waldo Emerson

I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done.
-Henry Ford

there are two ways of exerting one's strength:
one is pushing down, the other is pulling up.
-Booker T. Washington

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Love never Known

She always did the right thing
so worried about reputation.
he was a flirt, didn't care.
so naive she fell so hard
of love so unaware.
they knew it would not last.
4 years she didn't tell.
a high school love never known
so scared of rejection never knowing acception
now the chance has gone and past
and she can move on at last.

Monday, June 16, 2008

its not you, its me.

Oh Blog,
i have forsaken you.

My life is just so busy as it is.

Our relationship just is not as important as it once was.

believe me when i say its not you its me...
Er.. and then theres this guy.. or maybe a couple.

Im sorry! i know you are more important
but the chemistry just isn't here.
you always listen but never speak

i need someone who i can talk to.

to put it bluntly theres just no sex appeal
i cant even see you!

All that said.
you are still the only one who can understand me.
and i come back to you once again. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

oh love

You were such a surprise an unexpected gift.
said i was pretty and i believed it.
not really used to all this attention.

told myself i don't deserve you
and this is just a phase
could i get used to being loved the right way
i want to argue but there is nothing to say
oh love i think i'm ready ...