Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!!
it was great.
i think i am spoiled.
any other girl would think
getting a couple valentines candy n roses is great.
but no.
38 roses is hard to beat.
as great as it feals to get valentines its nothing
compared to seeing someones who thinks that they've been forgotten
and everyone else has a balloon and candy
to see there face light up as you hand them a valentine.
why do some girls get 30 and others get none.
it reminds me of a charlie brown comic that i read

i am looking foward to the retreat with all my
i can't wait for the drive up
i cant wait to play capture the flag
and poker
i cant wait to dance in the cabins at night
and in the field
if i can do those things and maybe one other i will be happy.
i am dreading driving all the way back for lazertag.

i am directionally challenged.

1 comment:

Ben said...

So much for capture the flag... we should have done something simple like that.

Poker? Where was I?

Does a wizard duel count as a dance?

